“Witty and wise, this small book is a treasure."
—Deepak Chopra
"What a delightful collection of wisdom and what a sweet way of presenting it.
Here is a quick and easy way to get in touch with deep truth. "
—Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God
“If you’re ready to meet God in an exciting and unforgettable way,
read and re-read this soul-touching book.”
—Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
“Beeaje Quick may be the light at the end of tahe tunnel.”
—Steven Tyler, Aerosmith
"This book offers heartwarming spiritual wisdom to brighten and enlighten your life."
—Marci Shimoff, NY Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and
featured teacher in The Secret.
“This book may be small in size, but it delivers a big dose of spiritual insight
with humor and warmth.”
—Debbie Ford, author of The Dark Side of The Light Chasers
“All-around visionary.”
—Detour Magazine
“Worthy of a young Warhol.”
—Los Angeles Times
"God Made Me from Spare Parts confidently proclaims that we are not alone.
Gently it inspires faith and conviction in the Unseen, in that mysterious support
and guidance that is always there if we have the eyes and the heart to recognize it."
—Andrew Cohen, founder of EnlightenNext
“God Made Me From Spare Parts is something of a [secular] revelation.”
—Amy Mowafi, Enigma
“Beeaje has got a full aesthetic. He is not aping any particular genre. He is
definitely on his own wavelength. Five years from now, what he is doing will
be established and recognized.”
—Mark Ordesky, Exec. Prod. The Lord of the Rings
“While Quick can be many things, I found his gift for communication to be the most striking.”
—Jumana Sheheda, International Herald Tribune
“Beautiful and meaningful work – my husband would have loved your writing.”
—Laura Huxley, author of This Timeless Moment
“His is a story that displays courage and determination, and one which I find to be a true inspiration.”
—Avi Amiel, Art Connoisseur Magazine
“It may be the most unusual success story since Lana Turner was discovered in Schwab’s Coffeehouse on Sunset Strip.”
—Sydney Morning Herald
“Beeaje has written a little jewel of inspiration to place in the pocket nearest our hearts to lift our Spirit and cultivate our love of one another.”
—Dr. Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential

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