Friday, April 26, 2024

Runeology 101: Trail of the Lost Sister


Runeology 101: Trail of the Lost Sister

It was end of the road for Tim.

His Ex has made sure of it. With the law on her side, she took his kids, his money, and now she wants his freedom in the form of a bogus call to the police. 

Que the Apocalypse. 

If that wasn't enough, he gets sucked into a strange new world. 

Who's the first person he meets? A Unicorn girl hell bent on finding her sister. With nothing better to do and no clear way home, he finds an unlikely ally in her. 

HIs hope, through finding her lost sister, is that he can salvage what remains of his life while doing something good for once. 

Adventure and humor await. 

18+ book

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Beyond Bullshit to Bliss: A Transformative Guide To Self-Love, Abundance & In-Lightenment

  Book Cover Image

There must be more to life than this...? You know inherently that there is something deeper, you just don’t know how to achieve it, right?

You're not alone. Beyond Bullshit to Bliss is not your typical self-help book. It's an immersive exploration alongside personal-growth mentors and Conscious-Tantra facilitators Samantha Spiro and Noah David. Witness their inspiring life journeys that led them to discover transformative approaches to feel radiant self-love, and overcome negativity and self-doubt. Theirs is an unforgettable true story of finding love and deep spiritual enlightenment (or In-Lightenment as Sam and Noah call it) in India, and across the world, that will empower you to commit to your own transformation.

You will read profound true testimonials from people that have used Sam and Noah’s spiritual guidance to overcome serious setbacks, and manifest love and inner peace. You will also be inspired by the authors’ insightful accounts of using these self-love and self-awareness techniques to overcome serious life issues, like Noah’s battle with advanced cancer, addictions, the impact of sexual abuse, and relationship turmoil, and Sam’s struggles with low self-esteem, abandonment, emotional abuse, heartbreak, and depression.

In this inspiring self-discovery and spiritual healing book for anyone suffering, you will learn:

  • How to Unlock Your True Self: Ask “Who am I?” and recognise the limitless being you truly are, beyond other people’s labels and your own self-limitations.
  • How to Ignite Your Own Self-Love: Experience profound self-acceptance and self-love in minutes.
  • How to Overcome Self-Doubt, Low Self-Esteem, and Negative Emotions: Practise proven techniques that will teach you how to stop overthinking, dismantle negativity, and reclaim your bliss.
  • How to Manifest Love, Success, and Inner Peace: Understand the link between self-awareness and drawing to you your heart’s desires, from fulfilling love relationships to successful careers. And,
  • Find Lasting Bliss: Embark on a 28-Day “Deepening Love” challenge to anchor yourself in peace and joy, no matter what life dumps on you!

Imagine being able to wake up to all your life problems and overcoming adversity and negative emotions with grace, self-confidence, and overflowing gratitude. This inner strength comes from experiencing your own true love, a constant source residing within you. Beyond Bullshit to Bliss will empower you to manifest your own personal transformation, find tranquillity, and truly live life to its fullest!I

Click here to get your copy of Beyond Bullshit to Bliss


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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Nourish - Holistic Eating: Transform Your Life with Whole Foods, Mindful Practices, and Nutrient-Rich Recipes


Looking for a life-changing approach to nutrition and wellness ?

"Nourish: Holistic Eating" is more than a book, it's a journey to the heart of holistic health, how food impacts your body, mind, and soul. With expertly crafted advice, it delves into the benefits of nutrient-rich foods, balanced diets, and the importance of mindful eating. It’s not just about what you eat, but how you eat.

Why "Nourish" is a Must-Have :
- Transformative Approach : Discover a unique perspective that goes beyond mere dieting. Learn how to nourish your mind, body, and spirit in unison.

- Personalized Journey : Break the one-size-fits-all diet mold. "Nourish" guides you to listen to your body's needs and tailor your eating habits accordingly.

- Beyond the Plate : Understand how your food choices impact not just your health, but the environment and society at large.

Are you ready to transform your relationship with food ?
Are you seeking more than just weight loss, but a true, deep, and lasting sense of well-being ?

Then, "Nourish: Holistic Eating" is your ideal companion. Discover the joy of balanced living and holistic health. Don’t miss out, begin your journey to a nourished and fulfilled life today!

Grab Your Copy Now and Begin Your Journey to Holistic Wellness!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Get Your Greater


Get Your Greater 

Raw and real, Get Your Greater is the true story of Mark Shepard losing his mother before the age of X in a horrific act of violence, getting assaulted while in foster care, suffering mistreatment from his family, and striving to survive while living on the streets with his young sons. He goes from grate to great, sometimes sleeping on a cold bed of metal bars, to eventually taking charge of his life to lead one filled with love and gratefulness. Pulling himself up from the lowest of lows as a homeless teen and later as a grown man living on the streets of Washington, D.C., Mark escaped the unimaginable. He navigated a life filled with trauma, abandonment, sexual abuse, and physical cruelty, and shares personal and poignant accounts that will leave you completely speechless. Get Your Greaterreveals mercilessness that no child should ever have to feel—ordeals that no human should have to experience—but that Mark faced and ultimately overcame. Get Your Greater celebrates the movement of God through Mark's life—a movement that was always steady but that would, at times, feel slow, and Mark encourages others to have faith and never give up—to be resilient, patient, and steadfast. When you read Get Your Greater, you walk away knowing that no matter your personal trial or path in life, there is a reason for it all and a greater waiting for you. All that’s left to do is to go get it. Stillbegreater Facebook


Monday, April 22, 2024

Harnessing Metaphysical Energy for Business Success: The Power of Law of Attraction, Sigils, and Positive Energy


Harnessing Metaphysical Energy for Business Success:

The Power of Law of Attraction, Sigils, and Positive Energy

In the pursuit of success, entrepreneurs and business owners are always seeking new strategies to elevate their ventures. While traditional methods like marketing plans and financial strategies are crucial, there’s a realm of untapped potential that lies in the metaphysical. By infusing your business with metaphysical energy, you can align yourself with the flow of the universe, attract abundance, and manifest your desired outcomes. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to harness metaphysical energy to propel your business to new heights, focusing on the Law of Attraction, Sigils, and the power of positive energy.

Understanding Metaphysical Energy: Metaphysical energy refers to the unseen forces that permeate the universe. It encompasses the energy of thoughts, emotions, intentions, and beliefs. According to metaphysical principles, everything is interconnected, and the energy you emit through your thoughts and emotions shapes your reality. By understanding and consciously directing this energy, you can influence the outcomes in your business and life.

The Law of Attraction: At the core of harnessing metaphysical energy is the Law of Attraction. Simply put, the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Positive thoughts and emotions attract positive experiences, while negative thoughts and emotions attract negativity. In the context of business, this means that maintaining a positive mindset and focusing on desired outcomes can attract success, opportunities, and prosperity.

Practical Steps to Utilize the Law of Attraction in Your Business:

  1. Clarify Your Intentions: Clearly define your business goals and intentions. Visualize them as if they have already been achieved, infusing your thoughts with positivity and excitement.
  2. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the blessings and successes in your business. Gratitude amplifies positive energy and aligns you with abundance.
  3. Affirmations: Use affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind with positive beliefs about your business. Repeat affirmations related to success, abundance, and prosperity daily.
  4. Visualize Success: Spend time each day visualizing your business thriving, envisioning successful outcomes, and feeling the emotions associated with achieving your goals.

Sigils: Sigils are symbols imbued with specific intentions or desires. They have been used for centuries as a powerful tool for manifestation. Creating a sigil for your business goals can amplify your intentions and focus your energy towards their realization.

How to Create a Sigil for Your Business:

  1. Set Your Intention: Clearly define the specific outcome or desire you wish to manifest for your business.
  2. Condense Your Intention: Condense your intention into a simple statement or phrase, removing any unnecessary words.
  3. Create the Sigil: Using the letters of your condensed statement, design a unique symbol or image that represents your intention. You can combine and manipulate the letters to form a visually appealing sigil.
  4. Charge the Sigil: Once created, charge your sigil with energy by focusing your intent upon it. Visualize your desired outcome as you infuse the sigil with your energy.

Positive Energy: Positive energy is a powerful force that can transform your business environment and attract favorable circumstances. Infusing your business with positive energy creates a harmonious atmosphere that fosters creativity, productivity, and success.

Ways to Cultivate Positive Energy in Your Business:

  1. Create a Positive Work Environment: Foster a culture of positivity, collaboration, and support among your team members.
  2. Clear Negative Energy: Regularly cleanse your business space of negative energy using methods such as smudging with sage, sound healing, or energetic clearing rituals.
  3. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it be uplifting books, inspiring mentors, or supportive peers.
  4. Practice Self-Care: Take care of your own well-being by engaging in activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. When you prioritize self-care, you radiate positive energy that uplifts those around you.

Conclusion: By incorporating metaphysical practices such as the Law of Attraction, Sigils, and positive energy into your business, you can tap into a powerful source of energy that aligns you with success and abundance. Remember, the universe is abundant, and by harnessing metaphysical energy, you can manifest your business goals and create the thriving venture you desire. Embrace these practices with an open mind and watch as your business transforms in miraculous ways.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

It Doesn't F***ing Matter: A Guide to Living Your Best Life (For the Highest Good)


It Doesn't F***ing Matter:

A Guide to Living Your Best Life

(For the Highest Good)

In a world filled with stress, expectations, and constant noise, it's easy to get caught up in the things that don't really matter. But what if we could let go of all that bulls**t and focus on what truly brings us joy and fulfillment? In "It Doesn't F***ing Matter: A Guide to Living Your Best Life," author Andy Saari offers a no-nonsense approach to reclaiming your time, energy, and happiness. Through practical tips, personal anecdotes, and a healthy dose of profanity, Saari challenges readers to cut through the bulls**t and embrace a life of authenticity, purpose, and freedom.

Whether you're feeling stuck in a dead-end job, overwhelmed by societal pressures, or just tired of giving a f**k about things that don't really matter, this book will empower you to take control of your life and start living on your own terms. So, say goodbye to the bulls**t, and hello to a life filled with passion, purpose, and plenty of f***s given to what truly matters.

Click here to get It Doesn't F***ing Matte on Amazon Kindle 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Transformative Power of Gratitude



The Transformative Power of Gratitude

Embark on a transformative journey that redefines what it means to live a fulfilled life. "The Transformative Power of Gratitude" invites you into a world where every moment is an opportunity for joy, connection, and profound growth. This insightful book is not merely a guide; it's a doorway to a new way of seeing and experiencing life, illuminated by the simple yet profound practice of gratitude.

In these pages, you will discover: The Science of Gratitude: Uncover the compelling research that reveals how gratitude can enhance your physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Inspirational Real-Life Stories: Be moved by powerful anecdotes of individuals who have harnessed gratitude to overcome adversity, transform their relationships, and find deeper happiness.

Your Personal Gratitude Toolkit: Dive into actionable practices designed to weave gratitude into the fabric of your daily life. From gratitude journaling to mindfulness exercises and beyond, each tool is a step towards a more joyful and contented existence. The Ripple Effect of Gratitude: Explore how expressing gratitude can not only enrich your own life but also positively impact those around you, creating a cycle of kindness and appreciation that extends into your community and the world at large. "The Transformative Power of Gratitude" is more than a book; it’s a call to shift your perspective, to open your heart to the abundance that surrounds you, and to embark on a path that leads to an enriched, more connected life. Whether you're seeking to improve your relationships, enhance your well-being, or simply find more joy in the every day, this book offers the insights and tools you need to ignite that transformation. Why wait to discover the life-changing benefits of gratitude? Embrace the journey with "The Transformative Power of Gratitude" and unlock the door to a world brimming with possibilities. Let gratitude be your guide to a life filled with love, laughter, and the kind of happiness that comes from a truly grateful heart. Are you ready to transform your life with gratitude? Dive into this enriching journey and witness the magic unfold. A life of joy, fulfillment, and endless positive energy awaits.

Friday, April 19, 2024

This Book Eats Bad Dreams: A Dream Coloring Book and Workbook


This Book Eats Bad Dreams:

A Dream Coloring Book and Workbook

Does your child have occasional nightmares?

Does an overactive imagination keep them awake at night?

Do you want to help them overcome their fears?

Every child will suffer from a nightmare from time to time and it can be a challenge for a parent to effectively explain what a bad dream is and to reassure their child that they are harmless. Of course a nightmare, aside from being frightening for a young child, can also disrupt sleep patterns and make bedtime far less pleasurable. So how can you help your child to overcome them?

Inside the pages of This Book Eats Bad Dreams, your child can follow the story told by adorable, funny monsters who talk about their favorite things and have the opportunity to then:

  • Color in the images
  • Draw their own interpretation of their dream
  • Write a story or thoughts about it
  • Record their favorite things, places, and people
  • Take part in fun exercises
  • Learn how to conquer their bad dreams
  • And much more…

With 120 pages of fun images, extra pages for drawing and writing, plus lovable monsters who prompt your child to explain and understand, This Book Eats Bad Dreams provides them with a formidable defense against future nightmares.

Click here to get This Book Eats Bad Dreams on Amazon 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Sadie’s Substainable Farm Adventures : Growing Green with Soiled Soul Sadie!


Sadie’s Substainable Farm Adventures :

Growing Green with Soiled Soul Sadie!

(Sadie’s Sustainable Farm Adventures)

Soiled Soul Saidie’s Sustainable Farm Adventures
Step into a world where the wonders of nature come alive, and sustainability takes center stage. Welcome to Sadie's Sustainable Farm Adventures, a captivating series that follows the incredible journey of Soiled Soul Sadie, the main character, as she tackles various challenges on the farm using innovative and eco-friendly methods.
Through vivid storytelling and beautiful illustrations, each book in the series educates young readers about the benefits of permaculture and showcases the positive impact it can have on the environment. From composting and companion planting to rainwater harvesting and renewable energy, Sadie's adventures will spark curiosity and encourage children to explore sustainable practices in their own lives.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

My Miracle Morning : Smoothies & Affirmation Blended Vibrance


My Miracle Morning :

Smoothies & Affirmation Blended Vibrance

Immerse yourself in the refreshing universe of smoothies with this comprehensive guide, loaded with 21 diverse, exciting recipes. UNLEASH THE POWER OF FRUITS & VEGETABLES! Regardless of your fitness routine, health aspirations, or daily schedule, this book of 21 simple easy to follow recipes offers the perfect smoothie for every situation, including: Green Detoxing, Bloating, Weight loss, Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidant, Anti-Aging, and Radiant glowing skin. Lilmattie, shares her years of knowledge, insightful tips, and her journey toward achieving wellness through the power of fruits and Vegetables. She details: How to rejuvenate your body and return it to balance through the magic of smoothies, from antioxidant-packed blueberries, nutrient-dense spinach, turmeric, Aloe Vera, dense kale vitamin-packed oranges, beetroot, creamy avocado and more. This is your Ultimate Guide, a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to improve their health and vitality through plants.
plant base
fruits &veggies
meal replacement
Healthy lifestyle

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Pouring from an Empty Cup: A Self-Reflection Journal for Nonprofit Professionals


Pouring from an Empty Cup:

A Self-Reflection Journal for Nonprofit Professionals

Unlock your potential as a change-maker! Introducing "Pouring from an Empty Cup," the ultimate 52-week guided journal crafted specifically for nonprofit professionals like you. Experience the transformative power of self-reflection as you navigate the rewarding yet challenging path of driving social change. This journal combines personal and work-related prompts, offering a unique space to gain valuable insights, boost resilience, and develop a life strategy. Embark on a remarkable journey where you prioritize your own well-being while making a lasting impact on others.

Click here to get Pouring from an Empty Cup on Amazon 

Click here to get Pouring from an Empty Cup on Lulu 

LOVE IT OR MORE A Guide to Spiritual Awakening & Channeling


A spiritual awakening is a solo journey. It can be a distressing experience if you don’t know what it is. It affects every part of your life; mental, physical, and emotional. Many of those, who cannot make sense of the changes, fear the worst: that they are going insane. They wouldn’t dare speak of it; in case their fears are true. However, you are not going crazy. You are simply following your soul’s journey in this evolutionary shift. You would be surprised at how many people are going through the same thing. Love It Or More is a comprehensive guidebook in two parts: Spiritual Awakening and Channeling. Part One: walks you through the awakening process. It offers practical tools and explanations if you are experiencing strange symptoms, esoteric concepts that are easy to understand, scientific references, and further resources. This includes examples of the author’s personal experiences, delivered in an honest, grounded, and often humorous narrative. Part Two: describes how to awaken the innate ability of channeling, that is available to all. The author’s connection with a benevolent seventh density collective, Unnakasunja, provides a strong foundation to guide you through the physical and metaphysical process of channeling. Whether you are at the beginning of your journey or already on your spiritual path, ‘Love It Or More’ is an inspiring invitation to reach out and discover more of who you really are.

Available on all Amazon platforms

About the Author

Robyn Steyn is a Channeler and Tarot Reader who experienced a profound spiritual awakening at the beginning of 2019. Due to paranormal experiences and bizarre physical symptoms, she felt equally elated and concerned until she realised she was in the midst of a spiritual awakening. As a result, she felt compelled to write a comprehensive guidebook two years later as a reference to help others on their spiritual journey. Robyn has been reading tarot since 2017 and channeling Unnakasunja since 2020 and provides personal reading and channeling sessions to clients.
Love It Or More YouTube Channe: Love It Or More Website: