The Positive Scale:
90- day journal to help you beat anxiety
Anxiety is something that has become widespread and manifests as an irrational fear of the unknown. It is a debilitating illness with thinking and over thinking of possible outcomes and scenarios, playing havoc in the lives of those that it effects. This can cause all kinds of consequences. The inability for you to operate at a properly functioning level, can lead to loss of job prospects and career opportunities. It can lead to homelessness, lead to losing relationships and cause you to be isolated. It can cause ill health, in other areas of your life too. Things like obesity, sleeping disorders and depression could be attributed to anxiety that is allowed to continue.
This book is designed to work alongside therapy and your treatment and get you focusing your mind on reflection and positives from your every day.
This journal is a useful tool for you to keep on top of your thoughts and feelings and assess where you are on a daily basis. I have designed it to be simple with the daily scale for you to simply estimate where you are and reflect back on it to monitor your progress. Each day you will assess yourself on a scale of 1 – 10 on how your anxiety is effecting you. You will then write about what is making you anxious. Every day you will set a goal, however set small goals for that day. Goals have to be achievable, so set goals that will help you to beat anxiety one step at a time. Finally you will be required to record a positive aspects from your day. This will let you finish each day on a positive note, so when you reflect, you can reflect on these positive experiences. You will notice the further into your 90 day journey you are, the more positive experiences you will be able to write about.
In this book I have also included inspirational quotes. You can use the daily quote to gain inspiration or find ones that work for you. This book also includes some tips for you to consider to help you stop overthinking and help you to be more in control.

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