A Short Stack of Sex and Other Stories

3 months, 115 matches, 90 conversations, but how many times did she get it on?!
A 40-year-old woman embarks on an amusing Tinder journey, and she has no idea what she’s about to find behind the alluring Tinder red flame begging her to sign-up.
She had heard it all – Tinder is for swindlers and cheap men looking for a quick fuck, or creeps lurking in the shadows. She hadn’t heard anything great about this infamous app, which piqued her interest and led her to embark on a “social experiment” of sorts to find out if you truly couldn’t find “the one” on a dating app.
But after swiping left and right, mostly left, thousands of times, she came to an intriguing conclusion.
This light-hearted, raw encounter narrates an explicit Tinder experience relatable to both women and men. Get ready to come to grips with the reality of people on dating apps and how not to be on the losing end when it comes to using them.
But what does it take to become Tinder savvy?
How many frogs do you have to kiss first before landing the prince or princess?
Click here to get Tinder is Awesome, People Suck
Also Available on Kindle Unlimited
This is a journey into the forces that shape and control our life. The ideas others have embedded in our minds profoundly impact ourselves and our future, for better or worse. Understanding how this works is the beginning of gaining control over our own mind.
Throughout his life as a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln went through periods when he felt “like a failure.” At the age of 40, he sat down and wrote a note, comparing his own failure in life to the greater success of his competitor, Stephen Douglass, who was renown throughout the country. We see this comparison repeatedly in school when teens compare their own success, in sports, dating, and looks, to that of others. It creates a sense of failure.
Lincoln wrote, “Stephen Douglas’s life is one of splendid success, whereas I am a failure, a flat failure.” Today, he is remembered as our greatest President.
Rick Springfield, now a millionaire rock star, and writer, has written an autobiography, Late, Late at Night, opening with his suicide attempt at the age of seventeen. Why would this man, now a millionaire who has achieved so much success in life, attempt suicide at seventeen?
Springfield says he saw himself as a failure at “the only life arena” he had ever known—school. He saw himself as unpopular and unliked, without friends, and a failure with girls (all the things on which teens judge their own value). He had no one he felt he could talk to about his feelings.
Some kids do very well in our schools, some do very poorly; most just survive with little direction or awareness of what goes on all around us. All of us are immersed in a world of value judgments by others. School teaches us to compare ourselves to others, in grades, sports, popularity. Understanding that you are not alone is basic to protecting ourselves from the harmful value judgments others put in our minds.
Princess Diana, Megan Markle, First Lady Michele Obama, and even Oprah have spoken publicly about the self-doubt and depression they have gone through, never knowing how common these problems are. We tend to believe that we are the only ones suffering from self-doubt and anxiety. Our educational system has failed to teach us what we need to know to avoid this.
Click here to get Forces of Life on Amazon / Kindle
Do you ever wonder what true love means? You may have been through many courses of relationships and thought it would last forever, only to see it crash. You might have been betrayed by someone you never expected to do so, someone who met all the criteria on your checklist and seemed perfect but only to end up being a mirage. You may wonder why finding and keeping true love is so complicated, this book is here to help answer your questions and ease your fears concerning love.
Learn the secrets of natural medicine and how herbalism can heal your mind, body, and spirit.
Scientists today starting to understand how wild animals use plant medicines to prevent diseases. With Zoopharmacognosy, many exotic plant species were used to treat health conditions by many healers. Herbs and Medicinal parts of the plants are used by many ethnic groups around the world. In this book, we research the secrets of traditional medicine and if these secrets are supported by clinical studies. Traditional medicine secrets, natural treatments, folk healing practices, superfoods, physical activities for well-being, longevity, and of course medical research. I will share holistic and powerful effective remedies for living a better life.
Natural Medicine Secrets.
A Holistic Approach to Improving Health.
Secrets Of Natural Diet.
Herbal Medicine Uses.
Alternative Treatments.
Treatments for many medical problems such as upper and lower respiratory diseases like allergies and asthma, stomach problems like gastritis, and acid reflux, tooth disorders, viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, mental health concerns like anxiety, and so on.
This book is intended for anyone and everyone looking for a gentle way to get the body moving after a night of rest.
A Spiritual journey to Let go and Let God and manifest your desires This book will inspire you to discover who You really are.
** The characters have that gritty feel of bands like Motley Crue and Aerosmith but with a modern-day Maroon 5 feel.
L.A. Dreams has quickly become one of my favorites that I have read so far this year. ReadersFavorite.com
** Choosing what I loved the most about this book is a difficult decision to make. This is because I literally loved every bit of it. OnlineBookClub.org
It’s the 1993 L.A. music scene, complete with drugs, parties, alcohol and women, but twenty-seven-year-old Cory Scott is only interested in one thing. The success of his band Suicide King. His best friend died trying to make it happen and Cory will stop at nothing to make their rock star dream a reality. When infamous music legend Alexandra Blake agrees to produce their debut album, all Cory has to do is keep the band together and keep her interested in them long enough to finish the album. Simple enough. Until he meets Alexandra. With one glance at her everything else becomes secondary. Cory becomes so self-absorbed that his bandmates are barely a thought. Jesse’s girlfriend is cheating on him, and Trent’s drug use is bordering on dangerous, but Cory's focus on Alexandra is all-consuming. The deeper he falls for her-and she falls for him-the more torn Cory becomes. When his world comes crashing down will Cory be forced to choose between the bandmates who depend on him, the music he thought he was there for, and the woman he needs more than air in his lungs?
L.A. DREAMS is about the bonds of friendship, falling in love, and following your dreams.
This book is primary dedicated to men and the importance of being a strong man who values family.
It’s broken down into eleven chapters. The first five chapters speaks to men on how to be better men and husbands.
The remaining 6 chapters are teaching moments for both sexes to better understand one another in the hopes of having mutual respect for a better longer lasting relationship.
Click here to get The MENtal Fight of your life